What do you do if you're in trouble?
When Michelle runs away from her drug-addicted mother, she has just enough money to make it to New York City, where she hopes to move in with a friend. But once she arrives at the bustling Port Authority, she is confronted with the terrifying truth: she is alone and out of options.
Then she meets Devon, a good-looking, well-dressed guy who emerges from the crowd armed with a kind smile, a place for her to stay, and eyes that seem to understand exactly how she feels.
But Devon is not what he seems to be, and soon Michelle finds herself engulfed in the world of child prostitution where he becomes her “Daddy” and she his “Little Peach.” It is a world of impossible choices, where the line between love and abuse, captor and savior, is blurred beyond recognition.
This hauntingly vivid story illustrates the human spirit’s indomitable search for home, and one girl’s struggle to survive.
Rating:★★★ 😏
I enjoyed reading this and I enjoyed finally reading a book from the perspective of prostitutes. Because a lot of books mention them but you rarely ever hear it from their point of view. We get to see exactly how easy it is to trap young girls into that life style and sell them dreams you know will never come true. I have never read a book like this before and I'm glad I finally did. The only issue I had with this book was how it ended. Even though I know from a real life perspective you don't truly ever get know what happens with some of the girls from that life but I wish for the book's sake I could have known what happened to Michelle and Baby. I recommend this for a very,very quick and interesting read.