The Pocahontas-John Smith Story tells the story of the famous romance, written by a descendant of Pocahontas.
I'm sad to say that I am very disappointed in this book since I am one that is very interested in the real, non-Disney version, of Pocahontas. First, I think the introductory is completely unnecessary because it's only author explaining how she is a decedent of Pocahontas and where Pocahontas's final resting place may or may not be. I personally did not need to know all of that and it didn't contribute to the book at all.The main reason I'm disappointed is because the book, in my opinion, is not at all about Pocahontas and John Smith's relationship with each other, give or take a couple pages. It's basically about how England came over and then quickly took over.
The first half of the book is mostly about John Smith alone and how he was trying to rise up the chain of command even thought he was not very well liked among the other Englishmen, but he was tolerated because he had a way with the Indians that no one else could quite understand. I feel cheated because the only meeting we have with him and Pocahontas is when they first met and how she and other women put on a show for him and his men, which only lasted maybe 4 pages all together. One good thing I got out of this was that I did come to understand that John looked at Pocahontas as a little sister more than a love interest but she seemed to have a crush on him. So I got to define the relationship that Disney completely ransacked.
Then the second half is about this John Rolfe person and Pocahontas and how the got married and had children, which I knew nothing about.
The sentence structure is really bad and I usually don't pay attention to stuff like that, especially since I think this was converted from someone's actual journal, but it was just really hard to ignore here. And this reads almost exactly like someone's journal, copied and pasted, except a few things are changed around so it wouldn't be a complete train wreck but it's still pretty bad to read. I just wish it would have been edited better because if you don't pay close attention it will start to sound like gibberish.
I think it goes without saying that I DO NOT recommend this to anyone, not even my worst enemy.
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