Thursday, September 13, 2018

Inchor by Aladea



This book will permit you to defy all the sorrow you once buried deep within you, now riddled within your bones, in order to reach ecstasy and bury seeds instead of persons and gather flowers instead of sorrowful thoughts. 

Fragments of what once made your eyes weep but now make your tears dry. Broken pieces put together to create wholeness within you. 

Based on the genre of milk and honey; Inchor is a poetry book that will delicately unlace the legion of intertwining cords enfolding your brain, in which thoughts are rummaging at all times, to bring out calm from the chaos dominating your soul. You will find the victory of all your previous battles in its poems and it will glorify the shields you have used and act as a weapon to your current daily battles. A mix of metaphors and meanings destined to make you feel the way you've never felt before.

Rating: ★★★★

I loved the intro! I don't think I've ever had an introduction quite like this for a collection of poetry! Also, I loved that her poems weren't directed at someone in particular or a particular situation. They were universal and I loved that that lets you apply any of the poems to whatever situation you may be going through. 

The only problem I had with this book was that sometimes, because of the way the book's edited, I couldn't decipher when one poem ended and the other began. It didn't happen often maybe twice or three times throughout the entire collection but it did happen.

This book lacked no depth, emotion, or understanding. I absolutely loved it and I 100% recommend picking this up because it is a wonderful quick read.

**The author did contact me with a preview of this book and offer to read and review but I did purchase with my own money and have given my honest opinion.**

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